Monday, 21 December 2020

Household Chores Vocabulary

 BROOM / SWEEP (ঝাড়ু দেয়া)

Example: Rexa’s mother asked her to sweep the floor of all the bedrooms.

Broom / Sweep

WIPE / MOP (মুছা/নেতা দেওয়া)

Example: Everyone should wipe off the floor of their house with disinfectant so that there will be no germs.

Wipe / Mop

PREEN / TIDY (পরিপাটি করা/সুসজ্জিত করা/ফিটফাট করা)

Example: My mother loves to keep the house preen all the time.

Preen / Tidy

MAKE (THE BED) (বিছানা গুছানো)

Example: My mother asked me to make my bed quickly because my grandfather is coming in an hour at our home.

Make (The Bed)

CHANGE (THE SHEETS) (বিছানার চাদর পরিবর্তন করা)

Example: It’s a good habit to change the sheets once a week.

Change (The Sheets)

WASH (ধৌত করা)

Example: Roji was washing beddings when I knocked the door.


SCRUB (মাজা)

Example: she scrubbed the kitchen floor with a brush.


VACUUM (ভ্যাকিউম ক্লিনার দিয়ে পরিষ্কার করা)

Example: He is going to vacuum the floor in living room and bedroom.


CLEAN (পরিষ্কার করা)

Example: Grace, look at all this mess! Pick up all these stuffs then put everything back to its place and clean the living room.


DO THE LAUNDRY (কাপড় ধোয়ার কাজ করা)

Example: who will do the laundry?

Do the laundry

HANG (ঝোলান)

Example: Nancy went to the roof to hang the laundry.


FOLD (ভাজ করা)

Example: could you please help me fold up the laundry?


IRON (ইস্ত্রি করা)

Example: I feel disgusting to iron my clothes.


DRY (শুকানো)

Example: let the clothes dry in the sun.


FEED (খাওয়ানো)

Example: Rosh, don’t forget to feed the dog and take it for a walk.


WEEDING (নিড়ানি দেয়া)

Example: Weeding and irrigation is required for gardening.


TAKE OUT THE (TRASH/RUBBISH/GARBAGE) (আবর্জনা নিষ্কাশন করা)

Example: Dad, it’s your turn to take out the trash.

Take Out The Trash

MOW (কাস্তে দ্বারা কাটা)

Example: He was mowing the lawn at afternoon after having some snacks.


DUST (ধূলি দূর করা)

Example: Lotus dusts the furniture and vacuum the floor.


WATER (জল দেওয়া)

Example: Would you please help me to water the flowers?


REPAIR (মেরামত করা)

Example: I have to call the mechanic for repairing our television.


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