Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Gardening tools and verbs vocabulary



Gardening Tools & Verbs Vocabulary


FLOWER POT (ফুলের টব)

Example: When I went to the market last day, I saw a beautiful flower pot.

Flower Pot

PLANT POT (গাছ লাগানোর পাত্র)

Example: There are various kinds of plant pot, which one would you like to buy?

Plant Pot

SPADE (কোদাল)

Example: Dig the soil with the help of a spade.


HOE (নিড়ানি)

Example: Remove the fallen leaves with a hoe.



Example: My ground mother knows how to make a bamboo basket.

Bamboo Basket

BUCKET (বালতি)

Example: He was filling the bucket with water when I was watering the plant in our garden.


FORK (কাঁটা বেলচা)

Example: Don’t you have any fork in your house for loosen the soil in the garden?


RAKE (আঁকশি)

Example: Rake is used to collect straw, grass, leaves etc.

SHEARS (বড় কাঁচি)

Example: I need a pair of shears.


WHEELBARROW (ছোট ঠেলাগাড়ি)

Example: She is looking for a wheelbarrow for moving fertilizer into the garden area.

Wheel Barrow

LAWN MOWER (ঘাস কাটার যন্ত্র)

Example: You have already a lawn mower in your house, so why do you need a new one?

Lawn Mower

GARDEN HOSE (বাগানে জল সেচনের পাইপ /জলনালী)

Example: Water the plant with the garden hose.

Garden Hose

SECATEURS (কাটারি)

Example: It will be easier for you to prune with this secateurs.


LOPPERS (বড় কাটারি)

Example: I don’t have any secateurs or loppers.


PRUNING SAW (ছাটাই করাত)

Example: Pruning saws are especially used for retrenchment the live shrubs and trees.

Pruning Saw


Example: Every morning Elena waters the flowers with the watering can.

Watering Can

SPRINKLER (পানি ছিটানো যন্ত্র)

Example: There is a sprinkler in the Rose’s garden and I want to buy the same one.


BARBED WIRE (কাঁটাতার)

Example: Barbed wire will prevent the cows and goats from coming to the garden.

Barbed Wire

FENCE (বেড়া / বেস্টনী)

Example: We need to make a fence in our garden.


AXE (কুড়াল)

Example: You should carefully handle the axe.



Example: He was cutting the wood by the billhook.


PRUNING SHEARS / PRUNERS (গাছপালার ডালপালা ছাঁটার কাঁচি / কাস্তে)

Example: If you don't mind can I use your pruning shears in this afternoon.

Pruning Shears

GARDEN TROWEL (বাগানের কাজে ব্যবহৃত খুরপি)

Example: There are several kinds of trowel for different uses like garden trowel, float trowel, masonry trowel etc.

Garden Trowel

SICKLE (কাঁচি/কাস্তে)

Example: Farmers were cutting paddy in the field by the sickle.



Example: Please, hold the ladder tightly when I will reach the top of it.


STEPLADDER (খাড়া মই)

Example: Zara climbed a stepladder and then started to paint the wall.


RECYCLE BIN (আবর্জনা রাখার পাত্র)

Example: Could you please carry away all the trash into the Recycle bin.

Recycle Bin

GARDENING GLOVES (বাগানের কাজে ব্যবহৃত হাতমোজা)

Example: If you don’t want to dirty your hands, you can use the gardening gloves.

Gardening Gloves

GARDENING BOOTS (বাগানের কাজে ব্যবহৃত বুট জুতা)

Example: How much money I have to pay if I want to buy this gardening boots?

Gardening Boots

TAP (পানির কল)

Example: Could you please call the mechanic for repairing the tap.


SEEDS (বীজ)

Example: I had 3 bags of wheat seeds but when I went to the storage room in the last night for collecting them I found  no wheat seeds in that room.



Example: Fertilizer will help to grow the plants.


INSECTICIDE (কীটনাশক ঔষুধ)

Example: Insecticides are used to control and kill insects but we should use it in a proper norm.


CHAINSAW (মোটর চালিত করাত)

Example: It will be easier to cut the wood by the chainsaw.


HEDGE SHEAR (মাঠ, বাগান ইত্যাদির সীমানা নির্দেশক ঝোপ, গুল্মের আকার ঠিক রাখতে ব্যবহৃত কাচি)

Example: “what is the best hedge shear in your shop’’, asked Tom?

Hedge Shear

MATTOCK (কাখোরা)

Example: Mattock is one kind of agricultural hand tool that is alike pickaxe.


SHOVEL (বেলচা)

Example: Where is the shovel, asked my mother?



DIG A HOLE (একটি গর্ত খনন করো)

Example: Dig a hole to plant the tree?

Dig a hole

PLANT THE TREE / PLANT (লনে ঘাস কাটা)

Example: what is the best season to plant the tree?

Plant a tree

WATER THE PLANTS (গাছে পানি দাও)

Example: Without water plants can’t be survived, so it’s important to water the plants daily.

Water the plants

GROW THE SEEDS (বীজ বৃদ্ধি করা)

Example: I don’t know how to grow the seeds in an effective way.

Grow the seeds

WEEDING THE WEEDS (আগাছা নিড়ানি দেয়া)

Example: It is necessary to weeding the weeds once a week.

Weeding the weeds

PICK FRUITS AND VEGETABLES (ফলমূল এবং শাকসবজি তুলো)

Example: Could you please pick some fruits and vegetables from the garden?

Pick fruits and vegetables

REMOVE LEAVES FROM THE GARDEN (বাগান থেকে পাতা সরান)

Example: He was removing the fallen leaves from the garden to make the garden clean.

Removes leaves from the garden

FERTILIZE THE TREES (গাছগুলোকে সার দাও)

Example: I watched a video on You Tube about how to fertilize the trees.

Fertilize the trees


Example: He need more people to cultivate the land.

To cultivate the land

TRIMMING THE HEDGES (বৃক্ষ নির্মিত বেড়া ছাটাই করা)

Example: The garden looking superb after trimming the hedges.

Trimming the hedges

SOW THE SEEDS (বীজ বপন করো)

Example: Hey Erica, Do you have any idea about how to sow the right seeds in the right season.

Sow the seeds


















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